Sunday, November 25, 2007

Monica’s Pups 21 to 23

This winter Monica gave birth to 3 pups all female. They are the 21st through 23rd of her children. Dad says all but 2 of them are still surviving. Since they are only three they were strong and energetic however being females they were not naughty. Mom named them Sonia, Meneka & Priyanka.

After Longs day’s work (play) it was time to sleep. They were very fond of each other and would not be separated.

Observing what I was doing with that brick which looks very tasty to chew. My mobile phone was attacked soon after.

This is Chotu, always naughty and always hiding behind mom for safety

Testing my suitcase chain for durability.

Pressure Test.

Then the lineing was tested.

Now my suitecase is certified puppy safe.

Now it was turn of my jeans

And it was tested throughly.

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